Cross Slot Openers® are the only True One Pass Low Disturbance No-Tillage (LDNT) System in the World!!
What sets us apart from the rest?
CARBON SESQUESTATION | - Cross Slot® LDNT is Carbon postive,
- Caputuring 500kg/ha (500lb/ac) carbon from the atmosphere and puts it back into the soil while feeding the world
- Organic matter builds cumulatively and regenerates soil health
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SEED & FERTILIZER PLACEMENT | - Cross Slot Openers® create a unique horizontal slot at precise depths
- Seed on one side, fertilizer placed simultaneously on opposite side
- Residue folded back over the slots conserving both liquid soil moisture and humidity in the soil air within the pore spaces
- Dry, liquid or combination fertilizer banded simultaneously with seeding
- Fertilizer separated from seed 10-20mm
- Heavy residue is no problem, either standing, chopped or lodged
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SUSTAINABILITY | - Regenerates soil health
- Less runoff with better soil porosity
- Soil trafficability improved for machinary and stock
- Lower erosion from wind and water
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ECONOMIC BENEFITS | - Saves 60-80% fuel, labour and tractor costs
- Reduced seeding rate with higher germination
- Reduced irrigation frequency for conserved moisture
- 10-20 year design life
- One opener suits all conditions
- True, one pass low disturbance no-tillage seeding
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